Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Bags, Bags, and more Bags

What's the hype with the plastic bags?

In the past few years you may have noticed, unless you don't go grocery shopping, that supermarkets are now:

a) Offering re-usable bags. Re-usable bags comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors and most likely will cost you a few pennies. Also, these bags tend to be made of more durable material to slow down wear and tear.

b) Not offering bags. Some retailers are taking it to the extreme and not offering bags at all for free. If you want a bag you must pay 20cents (10p). Usually the bags are not conveniently located either.

c) Major marketing of 'reduced use of bags'.

d) Bags offered for free and cheaper quality. The plastic seems less strong and more transparent. Also, I've noticed that they some place put holes on the bottom of the bags (to discourage people using it as garbage bags...?)

What does this all mean?! Why garbage bags?

Reduce Plastic to Reduce Landfills

- Less material means less waste and fewer emissions.
- Plastic bags are a serious threat to our environment and natural resources - not only do they spoil our parks and beaches - but they can also take up to 1000 years to break down.
- Plastic bags are responsible for blocking drains and harming our wildlife - both marine and land-based animals.
- A country like Australia and Canada use over 10 million plastic bags a day! Imagine more densely populated places (USA, UK)

If you think like me, right now you will be wondering about the growing amount of plastics in our landfills that are not plastic bags. That is another blog entry but for now let's focus one thing at a time.

What to do to help reduce waste of plastic bags?

Recycle your plastic bags. Keep your bags handy for each time you go grocery shopping. I keep a few bags at work, at home, and in my car. Each time I go grocery shopping I re-use my plastic bags.

Do not use paper bags! Plastic grocery bags are an extremely resource-efficient disposable bag choice. Plastic grocery bags require 70% less energy to manufacture than paper bags, and produce half the amount of greenhouse gas emissions in the process.

Choose biodegradable bags. There are a ton of biodegradable options out in the market now. I read somewhere that they add tapioca to the ingredients.

Purchase sturdy reusable bags. A tweed bag or fabric bag not only lasts you 10x longer than plastic bags but also can be trendy and stronger. These come in all shapes and sizes to fit your needs and fashion requirements ;)

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