Thursday, June 9, 2011

Possibly the best campaign ever. Paper is Dead.

A friend forwarded to me a site that came across as a non-profit, pro-environment, recycle, sustainability, etc. website to encourage people to do the right thing and 'think and act green'.  This is brilliant, I thought, especially that my friend is supporting me on trying to be sustainable and green. However, on second and third glance, I realised this was reverse psychology!

Here is the site:

This site was created by Domtar Inc - a paper company.

What in the name of marketing is going on here?!  Why is a company that produces and sells paper creating a site that talks about going 'paperless'?

I can't remember the exact term on the top of my head of how to describe this marketing tactic but it's when opinions and attitudes are influenced by exploiting the mainstream thinking with the undertone (using humour) to lead the consumer to realise the opposing argument.

This purpose of this campaign is to show consumers what a 'paperless' (work) world would be like. For example, on the video titled Paper - Essential for Life's Big Moments, the first 3/4 of the video talks about how most college students would consider themselves environmentally friendly and that going paperless is an important green initiative. However, the tables turn when they are asked on what they think about getting their degree in PDF format.

Overall, the mission for Domtar Inc. is to generate sales again of paper but also encourage the sustainable usage of paper. Similar to alcohol ads which encourage you to buy their beverages but to drink responsibly. Great job Domtar Inc., I give you five out of five stars.

Paper is good. Pass it on.

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